Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Jerry Kilgore's Lockbox Moment...

Yesterday's debate between Lieutenant Governor Kaine and Mr. Kilgore was riveting...entertaining...disturbing. It seemed like everytime he couldn't think of a response, Kilgore mentioned widening I-66 (which, by the way, many residents in the affected area do not support). Let's think about that. The length of I-66 within the Beltway looks to be about 10 miles to me. That's less than 10% of the whole road. Woo woo. It reminded me of that famous Gore "lockbox" sketch on SNL. Kilgore's incessant bromides about transportation and his infantile accusations about Kaine's "code words" only served to magnify his deficiencies, not only as a candidate, but as a potential leader. How can he talk incessantly about spending Virginia's budgetary surplus while denigrating the measures that were taken to create it? Raising Kaine has some links to video of the debat-acle.


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